Moonstone: The Smashing Stone That Glows Like a Moon
Reckoned to be the most valuable stone from the feldspar group, Moonstone is here to stun and no one and nothing can ever argue with that. There is a semiprecious stone that named Laborite and people often called it as Rainbow Moonstone which is definitely incorrect. The stone may be related to moonstone but the latter is not a true moonstone.
Moonstone’s Properties
Moonstone is known for having the effect that can be called adularescence. It is an effect that when a Moonstone is rotated into a source of light, a billowy or floating blue light will appear. Adularescence is caused by the intergrowth of another feldspar in aligned position within the main mass of the moonstone.
Moonstone and its colors are terrific and irresistible, here are among the colors that Moonstones contributes into the world:
- White
- Yellow
- Gray
- Pink
- Green
- Peach
- Cream
Whatever the color it may have, there is always a small inclusion of blue hue beneath them which gives these kinds of stone the striking luminescence.
The First-Rate Healing Properties of Moonstone
Moonstone, similar with the other gemstones also arrives with a handful of healing powers that can help a person on their daily basis. Here are the lists of Moonstone’s accountable powers:
- Moonstone is acknowledged to bring good fortune to its wearer and that believed is applied all over the planet
- It was said that Moonstone can attract and arouse each couple and tender the love between the two of them
- Moonstone can become a great fortune teller as well
- It is said to be an effective reader of one’s future and would give its owner the premonitions of the foreseeable future.
- Calming fears of the unknown is one of its signature powers
- It balances the emotional state of a person
- Inspiring passion, creativity, and direction in one’s life
Moonstone is assigned to be the birthstone for June. Moonstone is not the only one that can connect easily with this particular month, in all honesty, June is one of the only two months to have three gemstones as their birthstone. June’s birthstone are pearl, alexandrite and last but definitely not the least Moonstone.
Moonstones are naturally magical therefore customers should grab the chance of owning a piece or two and add it into their collection. Each one are very affordable in a price that can never be matched.